Blending modes.
BlendMode = enum bmNormal, bmDarken, bmMultiply, bmColorBurn, bmLighten, bmScreen, bmColorDodge, bmOverlay, bmSoftLight, bmHardLight, bmDifference, bmExclusion, bmHue, bmSaturation, bmColor, bmLuminosity, bmMask, ## Special blend mode that is used for masking bmOverwrite, ## Special blend mode that just copies pixels bmSubtractMask, ## Inverse mask bmIntersectMask, bmExcludeMask
Blender = proc (backdrop, source: ColorRGBX): ColorRGBX
- Function signature returned by blender.
Masker = proc (backdrop, source: uint8): uint8
- Function signature returned by masker.
BlenderSimd = proc (blackdrop, source: M128i): M128i
- Function signature returned by blenderSimd.
MaskerSimd = proc (blackdrop, source: M128i): M128i
- Function signature returned by maskerSimd.
proc blendAlpha(backdrop, source: uint8): uint8 {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- Blends alphas of backdrop, source.
proc blender(blendMode: BlendMode): Blender {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc masker(blendMode: BlendMode): Masker {...}{.raises: [PixieError], tags: [].}
proc blenderSimd(blendMode: BlendMode): BlenderSimd {...}{.raises: [PixieError], tags: [].}
proc hasSimdBlender(blendMode: BlendMode): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
- Is there a blend function for a given blend mode with SIMD support?
proc maskerSimd(blendMode: BlendMode): MaskerSimd {...}{.raises: [PixieError], tags: [].}
proc hasSimdMasker(blendMode: BlendMode): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
- Is there a blend masking function with SIMD support?