* OpenGL ES wasn't compiling because there's no `GL_R16`, `GL_RG16`, `GL_RGB16`,
`GL_RGBA16`. Replaced by their `_EXT` versions, but it wasn't compiling
because they're defined as `var` instead of `const` and they were being used
in a `func`.
* The GL API files were changed to fix that.
* After loading the scene, mobile platforms were throwing an error because the
renderer was not initialized yet. That's been fixed.
* Remove unsed `gl-basic.nim`.
* Incomplete port of myou-engine-js to nimskull, after many months of work, and
a few extra features that weren't exactly necessary for a "first commit" to
work. Excuse the lack of commit history up to this point.
* Bare bones structure of the documentation and the process to update it.
* Restructure of the whole project to have a more sensible organization.
* Making submodules of forks of larger libraries.
* README, licenses, AUTHORS.md.