2021-12-16 03:34:29 -06:00

267 lines
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## Based on the work of https://github.com/edin/raytracer
## MIT License
## Copyright (c) 2021 Edin Omeragic
import benchy, chroma, math, pixie, vmath
{.push inline, noinit, checks: off.}
SurfaceType = enum
ShinySurface, CheckerBoardSurface
ObjectType = enum
Sphere, Plane
Camera = object
forward, right, up, pos: Vec3
Ray = object
start, dir: Vec3
Thing = ref object
surfaceType: SurfaceType
case objectType: ObjectType
of Sphere:
center: Vec3
radius2: float32
of Plane:
normal: Vec3
offset: float32
Intersection = object
thing: Thing
ray: Ray
dist: float32
Light = object
pos: Vec3
color: Color
Scene = ref object
maxDepth: int
things: seq[Thing]
lights: seq[Light]
camera: Camera
SurfaceProperties = object
diffuse, specular: Color
reflect, roughness: float32
farAway: float32 = 1000000.0
white = color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
grey = color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
black = color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
background = color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
defaultColor = color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
proc `*`(c: Color, k: float32): Color = color(k * c.r, k * c.g, k * c.b)
proc `*`(a: Color, b: Color): Color = color(a.r * b.r, a.g * b.g, a.b * b.b)
proc `+`(a: Color, b: Color): Color = color(a.r + b.r, a.g + b.g, a.b + b.b)
proc newCamera(pos: Vec3, lookAt: Vec3): Camera =
down = vec3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0)
forward = lookAt - pos
result.pos = pos
result.forward = forward.normalize()
result.right = result.forward.cross(down)
result.up = result.forward.cross(result.right)
rightNorm = result.right.normalize()
upNorm = result.up.normalize()
result.right = rightNorm * 1.5
result.up = upNorm * 1.5
proc getNormal(obj: Thing, pos: Vec3): Vec3 =
case obj.objectType:
of Sphere:
return (pos - obj.center).normalize()
of Plane:
return obj.normal
proc objectIntersect(obj: Thing, ray: Ray): Intersection =
case obj.objectType:
of Sphere:
eo = obj.center - ray.start
v = eo.dot(ray.dir)
if v >= 0:
var dist = 0.0
let disc = obj.radius2 - (eo.dot(eo) - (v * v))
if disc >= 0:
dist = v - sqrt(disc)
if dist != 0.0:
result.thing = obj
result.ray = ray
result.dist = dist
of Plane:
let denom = obj.normal.dot(ray.dir)
if denom <= 0:
result.dist = (obj.normal.dot(ray.start) + obj.offset) / (-denom)
result.thing = obj
result.ray = ray
proc newSphere(center: Vec3, radius: float32, surfaceType: SurfaceType): Thing =
Thing(surfaceType: surfaceType, objectType: Sphere, center: center,
radius2: radius * radius)
proc newPlane(normal: Vec3, offset: float32, surfaceType: SurfaceType): Thing =
Thing(surfaceType: surfaceType, objectType: Plane, normal: normal,
offset: offset)
proc getSurfaceProperties(obj: Thing, pos: Vec3): SurfaceProperties =
case obj.surfaceType:
of ShinySurface:
result.diffuse = white
result.specular = grey
result.reflect = 0.7
result.roughness = 250.0
of CheckerBoardSurface:
let val = int(floor(pos.z) + floor(pos.x))
if val mod 2 != 0:
result.reflect = 0.1
result.diffuse = white
result.reflect = 0.7
result.diffuse = black
result.specular = white
result.roughness = 150.0
proc newScene(): Scene =
result = Scene()
result.maxDepth = 5
result.things = @[
newPlane(vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 0.0, CheckerBoardSurface),
newSphere(vec3(0.0, 1.0, -0.25), 1.0, ShinySurface),
newSphere(vec3(-1.0, 0.5, 1.5), 0.5, ShinySurface)
result.lights = @[
Light(pos: vec3(-2.0, 2.5, 0.0), color: color(0.49, 0.07, 0.07)),
Light(pos: vec3(1.5, 2.5, 1.5), color: color(0.07, 0.07, 0.49)),
Light(pos: vec3(1.5, 2.5, -1.5), color: color(0.07, 0.49, 0.071)),
Light(pos: vec3(0.0, 3.5, 0.0), color: color(0.21, 0.21, 0.35))
result.camera = newCamera(vec3(3.0, 2.0, 4.0), vec3(-1.0, 0.5, 0.0))
proc intersections(scene: Scene, ray: Ray): Intersection =
var closest: float32 = farAway
result.thing = nil
for thing in scene.things:
let intersect = objectIntersect(thing, ray)
if (not isNil(intersect.thing)) and (intersect.dist < closest):
result = intersect
closest = intersect.dist
proc testRay(scene: Scene, ray: Ray): float32 =
let intersection = scene.intersections(ray)
if not isNil(intersection.thing):
return intersection.dist
return NaN
proc shade(scene: Scene, intersection: Intersection, depth: int): Color
proc traceRay(scene: Scene, ray: Ray, depth: int): Color =
let intersection = intersections(scene, ray)
if not isNil(intersection.thing):
return scene.shade(intersection, depth)
return background
proc getReflectionColor(
scene: Scene, thing: Thing, pos: Vec3, normal: Vec3, reflectDir: Vec3,
depth: int
): Color =
ray: Ray = Ray(start: pos, dir: reflectDir)
color = scene.traceRay(ray, depth + 1)
properties = getSurfaceProperties(thing, pos)
return color * properties.reflect
proc getNaturalColor(scene: Scene, thing: Thing, pos, norm,
reflectDir: Vec3
): Color =
result = black
reflectDirNorm = reflectDir.normalize()
sp = getSurfaceProperties(thing, pos)
for light in scene.lights:
lightDist = light.pos - pos
lightVec = lightDist.normalize()
lightDistLen = lightDist.length()
ray = Ray(start: pos, dir: lightVec)
neatIntersection = scene.testRay(ray)
isInShadow = neatIntersection.classify != fcNan and
neatIntersection <= lightDistLen
if not isInShadow:
illumination = lightVec.dot(norm)
specular = lightVec.dot(reflectDirNorm)
lightColor =
if illumination > 0: light.color * illumination
else: defaultColor
specularColor =
if specular > 0: light.color * pow(specular, sp.roughness)
else: defaultColor
lightColor = lightColor * sp.diffuse
specularColor = specularColor * sp.specular
result = result + lightColor + specularColor
proc shade(scene: Scene, intersection: Intersection, depth: int): Color =
dir = intersection.ray.dir
scaled = dir * intersection.dist
pos = scaled + intersection.ray.start
normal = intersection.thing.getNormal(pos)
reflectDir = dir - (normal * normal.dot(dir) * 2)
naturalColor = background + getNaturalColor(scene, intersection.thing,
pos, normal, reflectDir)
reflectedColor: Color
if depth >= scene.maxDepth:
reflectedColor = grey
reflectedColor = getReflectionColor(scene, intersection.thing, pos, normal,
reflectDir, depth)
return naturalColor + reflectedColor
proc getPoint(x, y: int, camera: Camera, screenWidth, screenHeight: int): Vec3 =
sw = float32(screenWidth)
sh = float32(screenHeight)
xf = float32(x)
yf = float32(y)
recenterX = (xf - (sw / 2.0)) / 2.0 / sw
recenterY = -(yf - (sh / 2.0)) / 2.0 / sh
vx = camera.right * recenterX
vy = camera.up * recenterY
v = vx + vy
z = camera.forward + v
return z.normalize()
proc renderScene(scene: Scene, sceneImage: Image) =
var ray: Ray
h = sceneImage.height
w = sceneImage.width
ray.start = scene.camera.pos
for y in 0 ..< h:
var pos = y * w
for x in 0 ..< w:
ray.dir = getPoint(x, y, scene.camera, h, w)
sceneImage.unsafe[x, y] = scene.traceRay(ray, 0).asRgbx()
pos = pos + 1
proc render(): Image =
scene = newScene()
result = newImage(500, 500)
renderScene(scene, result)
timeIt "raytracer", 100:
discard render()