2020-11-20 21:50:13 -08:00

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## Public interface to you library.
import pixie/images, pixie/masks, pixie/paths, pixie/common, pixie/blends,
pixie/fileformats/bmp, pixie/fileformats/png, flatty/binny
export images, masks, paths, PixieError, blends
FileFormat* = enum
ffPng, ffBmp
proc toMask*(image: Image): Mask =
## Converts an Image to a Mask.
result = newMask(image.width, image.height)
for i in 0 ..< image.data.len:
result.data[i] = image.data[i].a
proc toImage*(mask: Mask): Image =
## Converts a Mask to Image.
result = newImage(mask.width, mask.height)
for i in 0 ..< mask.data.len:
result.data[i].a = mask.data[i]
proc decodeImage*(data: string | seq[uint8]): Image =
## Loads an image from a memory.
if data.len > 8 and cast[array[8, uint8]](data.readUint64(0)) == pngSignature:
return decodePng(data)
if data.len > 2 and data.readStr(0, 2) == "BM":
return decodeBmp(data)
raise newException(PixieError, "Unsupported image file format")
proc readImage*(filePath: string): Image =
## Loads an image from a file.
proc encodeImage*(image: Image, fileFormat: FileFormat): string =
## Encodes an image into a memory.
case fileFormat:
of ffPng:
of ffBmp:
proc writeFile*(image: Image, filePath: string, fileFormat: FileFormat) =
## Writes an image to a file.
writeFile(filePath, image.encodeImage(fileFormat))