import benchy, cairo, pixie, pixie/fileformats/svg {.all.}, pixie/paths {.all.} type Fill = object shapes: seq[Polygon] transform: Mat3 paint: Paint windingRule: WindingRule Benchmark = object name: string fills: seq[Fill] var benchmarks: seq[Benchmark] block: # Basic rect let path = newPath() path.rect(rect(0, 0, 900, 900)) let shapes = path.commandsToShapes(true, 1) paint = newPaint(SolidPaint) paint.color = color(0, 0, 0, 1) benchmarks.add(Benchmark( name: "rect", fills: @[Fill( shapes: shapes, transform: mat3(), paint: paint, windingRule: NonZero )])) block: # Rounded rect let path = newPath() path.roundedRect(rect(0, 0, 900, 900), 20, 20, 20, 20) let shapes = path.commandsToShapes(true, 1) paint = newPaint(SolidPaint) paint.color = color(0, 0, 0, 1) benchmarks.add(Benchmark( name: "roundedRect", fills: @[Fill( shapes: shapes, transform: mat3(), paint: paint, windingRule: NonZero )])) block: # Heart let path = parsePath(""" M 100,300 A 200,200 0,0,1 500,300 A 200,200 0,0,1 900,300 Q 900,600 500,900 Q 100,600 100,300 z """) let shapes = path.commandsToShapes(true, 1) paint = newPaint(SolidPaint) paint.color = color(0, 0, 0, 1) benchmarks.add(Benchmark( name: "Heart", fills: @[Fill( shapes: shapes, transform: mat3(), paint: paint, windingRule: NonZero )])) block: # Tiger let data = readFile("tests/fileformats/svg/Ghostscript_Tiger.svg") parsed = parseSvg(data) var fills: seq[Fill] for (path, props) in parsed.elements: if props.display and props.opacity > 0: if props.fill != "none": let shapes = path.commandsToShapes(true, 1) paint = parseSomePaint(props.fill) fills.add(Fill( shapes: shapes, transform: props.transform, paint: paint, windingRule: props.fillRule )) if props.stroke != rgbx(0, 0, 0, 0) and props.strokeWidth > 0: let strokeShapes = strokeShapes( parseSomePath(path, false, props.transform.pixelScale), props.strokeWidth, props.strokeLineCap, props.strokeLineJoin, props.strokeMiterLimit, props.strokeDashArray, props.transform.pixelScale ) let paint = newPaint(props.stroke) paint.color.a *= (props.opacity * props.strokeOpacity) fills.add(Fill( shapes: strokeShapes, transform: props.transform, paint: paint, windingRule: NonZero )) # benchmarks.add(fills) block: for benchmark in benchmarks: let surface = imageSurfaceCreate(FORMAT_ARGB32, 900, 900) ctx = surface.create() timeIt "[cairo] " & for fill in benchmark.fills: if fill.shapes.len > 0: ctx.newPath() for shape in fill.shapes: ctx.moveTo(shape[0].x, shape[0].y) for v in shape: ctx.lineTo(v.x, v.y) let color = fill.paint.color matrix = Matrix( xx: fill.transform[0, 0], yx: fill.transform[0, 1], xy: fill.transform[1, 0], yy: fill.transform[1, 1], x0: fill.transform[2, 0], y0: fill.transform[2, 1], ) ctx.setSourceRgba(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a) ctx.setMatrix(matrix.unsafeAddr) ctx.setFillRule( if fill.windingRule == NonZero: FillRuleWinding else: FillRuleEvenOdd ) ctx.fill() # discard surface.writeToPng(("cairo_" & & ".png").cstring) block: for benchmark in benchmarks: let image = newImage(900, 900) timeIt "[pixie] " & for fill in benchmark.fills: if fill.shapes.len > 0: let p = newPath() for shape in fill.shapes: p.moveTo(shape[0]) for v in shape: p.lineTo(v) image.fillPath( p, fill.paint, fill.transform, fill.windingRule ) # image.writeFile("pixie_" & & ".png")