import chroma, pixie, benchy, system/memory proc fill1(a: Image, rgba: ColorRGBA) = for y in 0 ..< a.height: for x in 0 ..< a.width: a.setRgbaUnsafe(x, y, rgba) proc fill2*(image: Image, rgba: ColorRgba) = ## Fills the image with a solid color. if rgba.r == rgba.g and rgba.r == rgba.b and rgba.r == rgba.a: nimSetMem([0].addr, rgba.r.cint, * 4) else: for c in c = rgba proc invert1(a: Image) = for y in 0 ..< a.height: for x in 0 ..< a.width: var rgba = a.getRgbaUnsafe(x, y) rgba.r = 255 - rgba.r rgba.g = 255 - rgba.g rgba.b = 255 - rgba.b rgba.a = 255 - rgba.a a.setRgbaUnsafe(x, y, rgba) proc invert2*(image: Image) = for rgba in rgba.r = 255 - rgba.r rgba.g = 255 - rgba.g rgba.b = 255 - rgba.b rgba.a = 255 - rgba.a proc applyOpacity1(a: Image, opacity: float32): Image = result = newImage(a.width, a.height) let op = (255 * opacity).uint32 for y in 0 ..< a.height: for x in 0 ..< a.width: var rgba = a.getRgbaUnsafe(x, y) rgba.a = ((rgba.a.uint32 * op) div 255).clamp(0, 255).uint8 result.setRgbaUnsafe(x, y, rgba) proc sharpOpacity1(a: Image): Image = result = newImage(a.width, a.height) for y in 0 ..< a.height: for x in 0 ..< a.width: var rgba = a.getRgbaUnsafe(x, y) if rgba.a == 0: result.setRgbaUnsafe(x, y, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)) else: result.setRgbaUnsafe(x, y, rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) var a = newImage(2560, 1440) timeIt "fill1": a.fill1(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) doAssert a[0, 0] == rgba(255, 255, 255, 255) keep(a) timeIt "fill2": a.fill2(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) doAssert a[0, 0] == rgba(255, 255, 255, 255) keep(a) timeIt "fill": a.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) doAssert a[0, 0] == rgba(255, 255, 255, 255) keep(a) timeIt "fill1_rgba": a.fill1(rgba(63, 127, 191, 255)) doAssert a[0, 0] == rgba(63, 127, 191, 255) keep(a) timeIt "fill2_rgba": a.fill2(rgba(63, 127, 191, 255)) doAssert a[0, 0] == rgba(63, 127, 191, 255) keep(a) timeIt "fill_rgba": a.fill(rgba(63, 127, 191, 255)) doAssert a[0, 0] == rgba(63, 127, 191, 255) keep(a) timeIt "invert1": a.invert1() keep(a) timeIt "invert2": a.invert2() keep(a) timeIt "invert": a.invert() keep(a) timeIt "applyOpacity1": a = a.applyOpacity1(0.5) keep(a) timeIt "applyOpacity": a.applyOpacity(0.5) keep(a) timeIt "sharpOpacity1": a = a.sharpOpacity1() keep(a) timeIt "sharpOpacity": a.sharpOpacity() keep(a)