import pixie, pixie/fileformats/png, strformat proc doDiff(rendered: Image, name: string) = rendered.writeFile(&"tests/fonts/rendered/{name}.png") let master = readImage(&"tests/fonts/masters/{name}.png") (diffScore, diffImage) = diff(master, rendered) echo &"{name} score: {diffScore}" diffImage.writeFile(&"tests/fonts/diffs/{name}.png") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 24 let bounds = font.computeBounds("Word") doAssert bounds == vec2(57, 28) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 64 let image = newImage(200, 100) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText(font, "fill") image.writeFile("tests/fonts/image_fill.png") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 64 let image = newImage(200, 100) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.strokeText(font, "stroke") image.writeFile("tests/fonts/image_stroke.png") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 64 let mask = newMask(200, 100) mask.fillText(font, "fill") writeFile("tests/fonts/mask_fill.png", mask.encodePng()) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 64 let mask = newMask(200, 100) mask.strokeText(font, "stroke") writeFile("tests/fonts/mask_stroke.png", mask.encodePng()) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Changa-Bold.svg") font.size = 48 let mask = newMask(200, 100) mask.fillText(font, "Changa") writeFile("tests/fonts/svg_changa.png", mask.encodePng()) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/DejaVuSans.svg") font.size = 48 let mask = newMask(200, 100) mask.fillText(font, "Deja vu ") writeFile("tests/fonts/svg_dejavu.png", mask.encodePng()) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/IBMPlexSans-Regular.svg") font.size = 48 let mask = newMask(200, 100) mask.fillText(font, "IBM ") writeFile("tests/fonts/svg_ibm.png", mask.encodePng()) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Moon-Bold.svg") font.size = 48 let mask = newMask(200, 100) mask.fillText(font, "Moon ") writeFile("tests/fonts/svg_moon.png", mask.encodePng()) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Ubuntu.svg") font.size = 48 let mask = newMask(200, 100) mask.fillText(font, "Ubuntu ") writeFile("tests/fonts/svg_ubuntu.png", mask.encodePng()) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 72 let image = newImage(200, 100) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText(font, "asdf") doDiff(image, "basic1") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 72 let image = newImage(200, 100) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText(font, "A cow") doDiff(image, "basic2") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 24 let image = newImage(200, 100) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText(font, "A bit of text HERE") doDiff(image, "basic3") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 24 font.lineHeight = 100 let image = newImage(200, 100) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText(font, "Line height") doDiff(image, "basic4") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Ubuntu-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 24 let image = newImage(200, 100) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText(font, "Another font") doDiff(image, "basic5") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Aclonica-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 24 let image = newImage(200, 100) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText(font, "Different font") doDiff(image, "basic6") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 24 let image = newImage(200, 100) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText(font, "First line") image.fillText(font, "Second line", vec2(0, font.defaultLineHeight)) doDiff(image, "basic7") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 24 let image = newImage(200, 100) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, "Wrapping text to new line", bounds = vec2(200, 0) ) doDiff(image, "basic8") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 24 let image = newImage(200, 100) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", bounds = vec2(200, 0) ) doDiff(image, "basic9") const paragraph = "ShehadcometotheconclusionthatyoucouldtellalotaboutapersonbytheirearsThewaytheystuckoutandthesizeoftheearlobescouldgiveyou" paragraph_2 = "She had come to the conclusion that you could tell a lot about a person by their ears The way they stuck out and the size of the earlobes could give you wonderful insights into the person Of course she couldnt scientifically prove any of this but that didnt matter to her Before anything else she would size up the ears of the person she was talking to Shes asked the question so many times that she barely listened to the answers anymore The answers were always the same Well not exactly the same but the same in a general sense A more accurate description was the answers never surprised her" paragraph_3 = "She had come to the conclusion that you could tell a lot about a person by their ears The way they stuck out and the size of the earlobes could give you wonderful insights into the person. Of course, she couldn't scientifically prove any of this, but that didn't matter to her. Before anything else, she would size up the ears of the person she was talking to. She's asked the question so many times that she barely listened to the answers anymore. The answers were always the same. Well, not exactly the same, but the same in a general sense. A more accurate description was the answers never surprised her." paragraphs = [paragraph, paragraph_2, paragraph_3] block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 16 let image = newImage(1000, 150) for i, text in paragraphs: image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, text, bounds = image.wh ) let name = if i > 0: &"paragraph1_{i + 1}" else: "paragraph1" doDiff(image, name) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 16 font.noKerningAdjustments = true let image = newImage(1000, 150) for i, text in paragraphs: image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, text, bounds = image.wh ) let name = if i > 0: &"paragraph1_nokern_{i + 1}" else: "paragraph1_nokern" doDiff(image, name) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Ubuntu-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 16 let image = newImage(1000, 150) for i, text in paragraphs: image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, text, bounds = image.wh ) let name = if i > 0: &"paragraph2_{i + 1}" else: "paragraph2" doDiff(image, name) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Ubuntu-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 16 font.noKerningAdjustments = true let image = newImage(1000, 150) for i, text in paragraphs: image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, text, bounds = image.wh ) let name = if i > 0: &"paragraph2_nokern_{i + 1}" else: "paragraph2_nokern" doDiff(image, name) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/IBMPlexSans-Regular_2.ttf") font.size = 16 let image = newImage(1000, 150) for i, text in paragraphs: image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, text, bounds = image.wh ) let name = if i > 0: &"paragraph3_{i + 1}" else: "paragraph3" doDiff(image, name) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/IBMPlexSans-Regular_2.ttf") font.size = 16 font.noKerningAdjustments = true let image = newImage(1000, 150) for i, text in paragraphs: image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, text, bounds = image.wh ) let name = if i > 0: &"paragraph3_nokern_{i + 1}" else: "paragraph3_nokern" doDiff(image, name) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/NotoSans-Regular_4.ttf") font.size = 16 let image = newImage(1000, 150) for i, text in paragraphs: image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, text, bounds = image.wh ) let name = if i > 0: &"paragraph4_{i + 1}" else: "paragraph4" doDiff(image, name) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/NotoSans-Regular_4.ttf") font.size = 16 font.noKerningAdjustments = true let image = newImage(1000, 150) for i, text in paragraphs: image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, text, bounds = image.wh ) let name = if i > 0: &"paragraph4_nokern_{i + 1}" else: "paragraph4_nokern" doDiff(image, name) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Pacifico-Regular_4.ttf") font.size = 16 let image = newImage(1000, 150) for i, text in paragraphs: image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, text, bounds = image.wh ) let name = if i > 0: &"paragraph5_{i + 1}" else: "paragraph5" doDiff(image, name) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Pacifico-Regular_4.ttf") font.size = 16 font.noKerningAdjustments = true let image = newImage(1000, 150) for i, text in paragraphs: image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, text, bounds = image.wh ) let name = if i > 0: &"paragraph5_nokern_{i + 1}" else: "paragraph5_nokern" doDiff(image, name) block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 200 let image = newImage(2800, 400) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, "Shehadcometotheconclusion", bounds = image.wh ) doDiff(image, "huge1") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 200 font.noKerningAdjustments = true let image = newImage(2800, 400) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, "Shehadcometotheconclusion", bounds = image.wh ) doDiff(image, "huge1_nokern") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Ubuntu-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 200 let image = newImage(2800, 400) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, "Shehadcometotheconclusion", bounds = image.wh ) doDiff(image, "huge2") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Ubuntu-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 200 font.noKerningAdjustments = true let image = newImage(2800, 400) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, "Shehadcometotheconclusion", bounds = image.wh ) doDiff(image, "huge2_nokern") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 200 let image = newImage(2800, 400) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, "Wrapping text to the next line", bounds = image.wh ) doDiff(image, "huge3") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 200 font.noKerningAdjustments = true let image = newImage(2800, 400) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, "Wrapping text to the next line", bounds = image.wh ) doDiff(image, "huge3_nokern") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 100 let image = newImage(2800, 200) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, "HA HT HX HY IA IT IX IY MA MT MX MY NA NT NX NY", bounds = image.wh ) doDiff(image, "pairs1") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Ubuntu-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 100 let image = newImage(2800, 200) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, "V( V) V- V/ V: v; v? v@ VT VV VW VX VY V] Vu Vz V{", bounds = image.wh ) doDiff(image, "pairs2") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/IBMPlexSans-Regular_2.ttf") font.size = 100 let image = newImage(2800, 200) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, "B, B. BA BJ BT BW BY Bf Bg Bt bw By", bounds = image.wh ) doDiff(image, "pairs3") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 18 let image = newImage(200, 150) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, """First line Second line Third line Fourth line Fifth line Sixth line Seventh line""", bounds = image.wh ) doDiff(image, "lines1") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 18 font.lineHeight = 30 let image = newImage(200, 150) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, """First line Second line Third line Fourth line Fifth line""", bounds = image.wh ) doDiff(image, "lines2") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 36 let image = newImage(800, 800) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) image.fillText( font, "TopLeft", bounds = image.wh, hAlign = haLeft, vAlign = vaTop ) image.fillText( font, "TopCenter", bounds = image.wh, hAlign = haCenter, vAlign = vaTop ) image.fillText( font, "TopRight", bounds = image.wh, hAlign = haRight, vAlign = vaTop ) image.fillText( font, "MiddleLeft", bounds = image.wh, hAlign = haLeft, vAlign = vaMiddle ) image.fillText( font, "MiddleCenter", bounds = image.wh, hAlign = haCenter, vAlign = vaMiddle ) image.fillText( font, "MiddleRight", bounds = image.wh, hAlign = haRight, vAlign = vaMiddle ) image.fillText( font, "BottomLeft", bounds = image.wh, hAlign = haLeft, vAlign = vaBottom ) image.fillText( font, "BottomCenter", bounds = image.wh, hAlign = haCenter, vAlign = vaBottom ) image.fillText( font, "BottomRight", bounds = image.wh, hAlign = haRight, vAlign = vaBottom ) doDiff(image, "alignments") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/IBMPlexSans-Regular_2.ttf") font.size = 48 font.paint = Paint( kind: pkGradientLinear, gradientHandlePositions: @[ vec2(0, 50), vec2(100, 50), ], gradientStops: @[ ColorStop(color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 255), position: 0), ColorStop(color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 40), position: 1.0), ] ) let image = newImage(100, 100) image.fillText(font, "Text") image.writeFile("tests/fonts/image_paint_fill.png") block: var font1 = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font1.size = 80 var font2 = readFont("tests/fonts/Aclonica-Regular_1.ttf") font2.size = 100 var font3 = readFont("tests/fonts/Ubuntu-Regular_1.ttf") font3.size = 48 let spans = @[ newSpan("One span ", font1), newSpan("Two span", font2), newSpan(" Three span", font3) ] let image = newImage(700, 250) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) let arrangement = typeset(spans, bounds = image.wh) image.fillText(arrangement) doDiff(image, "spans1") for i, rect in arrangement.selectionRects: image.fillRect(rect, rgba(128, 128, 128, 128)) doDiff(image, "selection_rects1") block: var font1 = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font1.size = 80 var font2 = readFont("tests/fonts/Aclonica-Regular_1.ttf") font2.size = 100 var font3 = readFont("tests/fonts/Ubuntu-Regular_1.ttf") font3.size = 48 let spans = @[ newSpan("One span ", font1), newSpan("Two span", font2), newSpan(" Three span", font3) ] let image = newImage(475, 400) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) let arrangement = typeset(spans, bounds = image.wh) image.fillText(arrangement) doDiff(image, "spans2") for i, rect in arrangement.selectionRects: image.fillRect(rect, rgba(128, 128, 128, 128)) doDiff(image, "selection_rects2") block: var font = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") font.size = 16 let image = newImage(75, 75) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) let arrangement = typeset( font, "Wrapping text to new line", bounds = image.wh ) image.fillText(arrangement) for i, rect in arrangement.selectionRects: image.fillRect(rect, rgba(128, 128, 128, 128)) doDiff(image, "selection_rects3") block: let roboto = readFont("tests/fonts/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf") aclonica = readFont("tests/fonts/Aclonica-Regular_1.ttf") ubuntu = readFont("tests/fonts/Ubuntu-Regular_1.ttf") ibm = readFont("tests/fonts/IBMPlexSans-Regular_2.ttf") noto = readFont("tests/fonts/NotoSans-Regular_4.ttf") var font1 = roboto font1.size = 64 var font2 = aclonica font2.size = 80 var font3 = ibm font3.size = 40 var font4 = ubuntu font4.size = 56 var font5 = noto font5.size = 72 var font6 = roboto font6.size = 48 var font7 = noto font7.size = 64 var font8 = ubuntu font8.size = 54 font8.paint.color = rgba(255, 0, 0, 255) var font9 = roboto font9.size = 48 var font10 = aclonica font10.size = 48 font10.lineHeight = 120 let spans = @[ newSpan("Using spans, ", font1), newSpan("Pixie ", font2), newSpan("can arrange and rasterize ", font3), newSpan("very complex text layouts. ", font4), newSpan("Spans", font5), newSpan(" can have different ", font6), newSpan("font sizes,", font7), newSpan(" colors", font8), newSpan(" and ", font9), newSpan("line heights.", font10) ] let image = newImage(600, 600) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) let arrangement = typeset(spans, bounds = image.wh) image.fillText(arrangement) doDiff(image, "spans4") block: let ubuntu = readFont("tests/fonts/Ubuntu-Regular_1.ttf") var font1 = ubuntu font1.size = 15 font1.paint.color = parseHtmlColor("#CACACA").rgba() var font2 = ubuntu font2.size = 84 var font3 = ubuntu font3.size = 18 font3.paint.color = parseHtmlColor("#007FF4").rgba() var font4 = ubuntu font4.size = 20 font4.paint.color = parseHtmlColor("#4F4F4F").rgba() let spans = @[ newSpan("verb [with object] ", font1), newSpan("strallow\n", font2), newSpan("\nstral·low\n", font3), newSpan("\n1. free (something) from restrictive restrictions \"the regulations are intended to strallow changes in public policy\" ", font4) ] let image = newImage(400, 400) image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)) let arrangement = typeset(spans, bounds = vec2(360, 360)) image.fillText(arrangement, vec2(20, 20)) doDiff(image, "spans5")