import bumpy, chroma, flatty/binny, os, pixie/blends, pixie/common, pixie/fileformats/bmp, pixie/fileformats/jpg, pixie/fileformats/png, pixie/fileformats/svg, pixie/gradients, pixie/images, pixie/masks, pixie/paths, vmath export blends, bumpy, chroma, common, gradients, images, masks, paths, vmath type FileFormat* = enum ffPng, ffBmp, ffJpg proc decodeImage*(data: string | seq[uint8]): Image = ## Loads an image from a memory. if data.len > 8 and data.readUint64(0) == cast[uint64](pngSignature): decodePng(data) elif data.len > 2 and data.readUint16(0) == cast[uint16](jpgStartOfImage): decodeJpg(data) elif data.len > 2 and data.readStr(0, 2) == bmpSignature: decodeBmp(data) elif data.len > 5 and data.readStr(0, 5) == svgSignature: decodeSvg(data) else: raise newException(PixieError, "Unsupported image file format") proc readImage*(filePath: string): Image = ## Loads an image from a file. decodeImage(readFile(filePath)) proc encodeImage*(image: Image, fileFormat: FileFormat): string = ## Encodes an image into memory. case fileFormat: of ffPng: image.encodePng() of ffJpg: image.encodeJpg() of ffBmp: image.encodeBmp() proc writeFile*(image: Image, filePath: string, fileFormat: FileFormat) = ## Writes an image to a file. writeFile(filePath, image.encodeImage(fileFormat)) proc writeFile*(image: Image, filePath: string) = ## Writes an image to a file. let fileFormat = case splitFile(filePath).ext: of ".png": ffPng of ".bmp": ffBmp of ".jpg", ".jpeg": ffJpg else: raise newException(PixieError, "Unsupported image file extension") image.writeFile(filePath, fileformat) proc drawRect*( image: Image, rect: Rect, color: ColorRGBA, blendMode = bmNormal ) = var path: Path path.rect(rect) image.fillPath(path, color, wrNonZero, blendMode) proc drawRect*(mask: Mask, rect: Rect) = var path: Path path.rect(rect) mask.fillPath(path) proc drawSegment*( image: Image, segment: Segment, color: ColorRGBA, strokeWidth = 1.0, blendMode = bmNormal ) = var path: Path path.moveTo( path.lineTo( image.strokePath(path, color, strokeWidth, wrNonZero, blendMode) proc drawSegment*(mask: Mask, segment: Segment, strokeWidth: float32) = var path: Path path.moveTo( path.lineTo( mask.strokePath(path, strokeWidth)