This commit is contained in:
Ryan Oldenburg 2022-06-22 01:03:32 -05:00
parent 34158f3f28
commit 82c7c8b864
2 changed files with 28 additions and 30 deletions

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ proc `*`*(color: ColorRGBX, opacity: float32): ColorRGBX {.raises: [].} =
proc fillUnsafe*(
data: var seq[uint8], value: uint8, start, len: int
) {.raises: [].} =
) {.inline, raises: [].} =
## Fills the mask data with the value starting at index start and
## continuing for len indices.
nimSetMem(data[start].addr, value.cint, len)
@ -62,9 +62,7 @@ proc fillUnsafe*(
) {.raises: [].} =
## Fills the image data with the color starting at index start and
## continuing for len indices.
let rgbx = color.asRgbx()
# Use memset when every byte has the same value
if rgbx.r == rgbx.g and rgbx.r == rgbx.b and rgbx.r == rgbx.a:
nimSetMem(data[start].addr, rgbx.r.cint, len * 4)
@ -78,11 +76,13 @@ proc fillUnsafe*(
# When supported, SIMD fill until we run out of room
colorVec = mm_set1_epi32(cast[int32](rgbx))
remaining = start + len - i
for _ in 0 ..< remaining div 8:
mm_store_si128(data[i + 0].addr, colorVec)
mm_store_si128(data[i + 4].addr, colorVec)
i += 8
iterations = (start + len - i) div 8
var p = cast[uint](data[i].addr)
for _ in 0 ..< iterations:
mm_store_si128(cast[pointer](p), colorVec)
mm_store_si128(cast[pointer](p + 16), colorVec)
p += 32
i += iterations * 8
when sizeof(int) == 8:
# Fill 8 bytes at a time when possible

View file

@ -1133,9 +1133,9 @@ proc partitionSegments(
result.partitionHeight = height.uint32 div numPartitions
for (segment, winding) in segments:
let entry = initPartitionEntry(segment, winding)
var entry = initPartitionEntry(segment, winding)
if result.partitionHeight == 0:
result.partitions[0].entries.add(move entry)
atPartition = max(0, - result.startY.float32).uint32
@ -1619,16 +1619,15 @@ proc fillHits(
template simdBlob(image: Image, x: var int, len: int, blendProc: untyped) =
when allowSimd:
when defined(amd64):
let colorVec = mm_set1_epi32(cast[int32](rgbx))
var dataIndex = image.dataIndex(x, y)
for _ in 0 ..< len div 4:
let backdrop = mm_loadu_si128([dataIndex].addr)
blendProc(backdrop, colorVec)
x += 4
dataIndex += 4
var p = cast[uint]([image.dataIndex(x, y)].addr)
iterations = len div 4
colorVec = mm_set1_epi32(cast[int32](rgbx))
for _ in 0 ..< iterations:
let backdrop = mm_loadu_si128(cast[pointer](p))
mm_storeu_si128(cast[pointer](p), blendProc(backdrop, colorVec))
p += 16
x += iterations * 4
case blendMode:
of OverwriteBlend:
@ -1714,16 +1713,15 @@ proc fillHits(
template simdBlob(mask: Mask, x: var int, len: int, blendProc: untyped) =
when allowSimd:
when defined(amd64):
let vec255 = mm_set1_epi8(255)
var dataIndex = mask.dataIndex(x, y)
for _ in 0 ..< len div 16:
let backdrop = mm_loadu_si128([dataIndex].addr)
blendProc(backdrop, vec255)
x += 16
dataIndex += 16
var p = cast[uint]([mask.dataIndex(x, y)].addr)
iterations = len div 16
vec255 = mm_set1_epi8(255)
for _ in 0 ..< iterations:
let backdrop = mm_loadu_si128(cast[pointer](p))
mm_storeu_si128(cast[pointer](p), blendProc(backdrop, vec255))
p += 16
x += iterations * 16
case blendMode:
of NormalBlend, OverwriteBlend: