Add toAlphy and fromAlphy.

This commit is contained in:
treeform 2020-11-27 10:18:43 -08:00
parent b86d914dd0
commit 41edec4711
3 changed files with 48 additions and 160 deletions

View file

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
import chroma, blends, vmath, common, images
proc drawUberTemplate(
a: Image,
b: Image,
c: Image,
mat: Mat3,
lines: array[4, Segment],
blendMode: BlendMode,
inPlace: bool,
smooth: bool,
) =
for y in 0 ..< a.height:
xMin = 0
xMax = 0
hasIntersection = false
for yOffset in [0.float32, 1]:
var scanLine = segment(
vec2(-100000, y.float32 + yOffset),
vec2(10000, y.float32 + yOffset)
for l in lines:
var at: Vec2
if intersects(l, scanLine, at):
if hasIntersection:
xMin = min(xMin,
xMax = max(xMax,
hasIntersection = true
xMin =
xMax =
xMin = xMin.clamp(0, a.width)
xMax = xMax.clamp(0, a.width)
# for x in 0 ..< xMin:
# result.setRgbaUnsafe(x, y, a.getRgbaUnsafe(x, y))
if xMin > 0:
copyMem(c.getAddr(0, y), a.getAddr(0, y), 4*xMin)
for x in xMin ..< xMax:
let srcPos = start + stepX * float32(x) + stepY * float32(y)
#let srcPos = matInv * vec2(x.float32 + h, y.float32 + h)
var rgba = a.getRgbaUnsafe(x, y)
let rgba2 = b.getRgbaFn(srcPos.x - h, srcPos.y - h)
rgba = mixer(rgba, rgba2)
c.setRgbaUnsafe(x, y, rgba)
#for x in xMax ..< a.width:
# result.setRgbaUnsafe(x, y, a.getRgbaUnsafe(x, y))
if a.width - xMax > 0:
copyMem(c.getAddr(xMax, y), a.getAddr(xMax, y), 4*(a.width - xMax))
proc drawUber*(a: Image, b: Image, c: Image, mat: Mat3, blendMode: BlendMode, inPlace: bool) =
## Draws one image onto another using matrix with color blending.
matInv = mat.inverse()
# compute movement vectors
h = 0.5.float32
start = matInv * vec2(0 + h, 0 + h)
stepX = matInv * vec2(1 + h, 0 + h) - start
stepY = matInv * vec2(0 + h, 1 + h) - start
minFilterBy2 = max(stepX.length, stepY.length)
b = b
let corners = [
mat * vec2(0, 0),
mat * vec2(b.width.float32, 0),
mat * vec2(b.width.float32, b.height.float32),
mat * vec2(0, b.height.float32)
let lines = [
segment(corners[0], corners[1]),
segment(corners[1], corners[2]),
segment(corners[2], corners[3]),
segment(corners[3], corners[0])
while minFilterBy2 > 2.0:
b = b.minifyBy2()
start /= 2
stepX /= 2
stepY /= 2
minFilterBy2 /= 2
matInv = matInv * scale(vec2(0.5, 0.5))
proc getRgbaUnsafe(a: Image, x, y: float32): ColorRGBA {.inline.} =
if stepX.length == 1.0 and stepY.length == 1.0 and
mat[2, 0].fractional == 0.0 and mat[2, 1].fractional == 0.0:
#echo "copy non-smooth"
case blendMode
of bmNormal: forBlend(blendNormal, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmDarken: forBlend(blendDarken, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmMultiply: forBlend(blendMultiply, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmLinearBurn: forBlend(blendLinearBurn, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmColorBurn: forBlend(blendColorBurn, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmLighten: forBlend(blendLighten, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmScreen: forBlend(blendScreen, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmLinearDodge: forBlend(blendLinearDodge, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmColorDodge: forBlend(blendColorDodge, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmOverlay: forBlend(blendOverlay, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmSoftLight: forBlend(blendSoftLight, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmHardLight: forBlend(blendHardLight, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmDifference: forBlend(blendDifference, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmExclusion: forBlend(blendExclusion, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmHue: forBlend(blendHue, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmSaturation: forBlend(blendSaturation, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmColor: forBlend(blendColor, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmLuminosity: forBlend(blendLuminosity, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmMask: forBlend(blendMask, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmOverwrite: forBlend(blendOverwrite, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmSubtractMask: forBlend(blendSubtractMask, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmIntersectMask: forBlend(blendIntersectMask, getRgbaUnsafe)
of bmExcludeMask: forBlend(blendExcludeMask, getRgbaUnsafe)
#echo "copy smooth"
case blendMode
of bmNormal: forBlend(blendNormal, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmDarken: forBlend(blendDarken, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmMultiply: forBlend(blendMultiply, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmLinearBurn: forBlend(blendLinearBurn, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmColorBurn: forBlend(blendColorBurn, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmLighten: forBlend(blendLighten, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmScreen: forBlend(blendScreen, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmLinearDodge: forBlend(blendLinearDodge, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmColorDodge: forBlend(blendColorDodge, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmOverlay: forBlend(blendOverlay, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmSoftLight: forBlend(blendSoftLight, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmHardLight: forBlend(blendHardLight, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmDifference: forBlend(blendDifference, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmExclusion: forBlend(blendExclusion, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmHue: forBlend(blendHue, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmSaturation: forBlend(blendSaturation, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmColor: forBlend(blendColor, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmLuminosity: forBlend(blendLuminosity, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmMask: forBlend(blendMask, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmOverwrite: forBlend(blendOverwrite, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmSubtractMask: forBlend(blendSubtractMask, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmIntersectMask: forBlend(blendIntersectMask, getRgbaSmooth)
of bmExcludeMask: forBlend(blendExcludeMask, getRgbaSmooth)

View file

@ -155,29 +155,62 @@ proc magnifyBy2*(image: Image, scale2x: int): Image =
proc magnifyBy2*(image: Image): Image =
proc flipHorizontal*(image: Image): Image =
## Flips the image around the Y axis.
result = newImage(image.width, image.height)
for y in 0 ..< image.height:
for x in 0 ..< image.width:
let rgba = image.getRgbaUnsafe(x, y)
result.setRgbaUnsafe(image.width - x - 1, y, rgba)
proc flipVertical*(image: Image): Image =
## Flips the image around the X axis.
result = newImage(image.width, image.height)
for y in 0 ..< image.height:
for x in 0 ..< image.width:
let rgba = image.getRgbaUnsafe(x, y)
result.setRgbaUnsafe(x, image.height - y - 1, rgba)
func lerp(a, b: Color, v: float32): Color {.inline.} =
result.r = lerp(a.r, b.r, v)
result.g = lerp(a.g, b.g, v)
result.b = lerp(a.b, b.b, v)
result.a = lerp(a.a, b.a, v)
proc toAlphy*(c: Color): Color =
## Converts a color to premultiplied alpha from straight.
result.r = c.r * c.a
result.g = c.g * c.a
result.b = c.b * c.a
result.a = c.a
proc fromAlphy*(c: Color): Color =
## Converts a color to from premultiplied alpha to straight.
if c.a == 0:
result.r = c.r / c.a
result.g = c.g / c.a
result.b = c.b / c.a
result.a = c.a
proc toAlphy*(image: Image) =
## Converts an image to premultiplied alpha from straight.
for c in
c.g = ((c.r.uint32 * c.a.uint32) div 255).uint8
c.r = ((c.r.uint32 * c.a.uint32) div 255).uint8
c.b = ((c.r.uint32 * c.a.uint32) div 255).uint8
proc fromAlphy*(image: Image) =
## Converts an image to from premultiplied alpha to straight.
for c in
if c.a == 0:
c.r = ((c.r.int32 * 255) div c.a.int32).uint8
c.g = ((c.g.int32 * 255) div c.a.int32).uint8
c.b = ((c.b.int32 * 255) div c.a.int32).uint8
proc getRgbaSmooth*(image: Image, x, y: float32): ColorRGBA {.inline.} =
## Gets a pixel as (x, y) floats.
proc toAlphy(c: Color): Color =
result.r = c.r * c.a
result.g = c.g * c.a
result.b = c.b * c.a
result.a = c.a
proc fromAlphy(c: Color): Color =
if c.a == 0:
result.r = c.r / c.a
result.g = c.g / c.a
result.b = c.b / c.a
result.a = c.a
x = x # TODO: look at maybe +0.5
y = y # TODO: look at maybe +0.5

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