Alberto Torres 9af1322937 First commit.
* Incomplete port of myou-engine-js to nimskull, after many months of work, and
  a few extra features that weren't exactly necessary for a "first commit" to
  work. Excuse the lack of commit history up to this point.
* Bare bones structure of the documentation and the process to update it.
* Restructure of the whole project to have a more sensible organization.
* Making submodules of forks of larger libraries.
* README, licenses,
2024-08-20 13:08:19 +02:00

301 lines
12 KiB

# The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution License
# Version 1.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# The License is based on the Mozilla
# Public License Version 1.1 but Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover use
# of software over a computer network and provide for limited attribution for
# the Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be
# consistent with Exhibit B.
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
# the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is Myou Engine.
# the Original Developer is the Initial Developer.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the Myou Engine developers.
# All portions of the code written by the Myou Engine developers are Copyright
# (c) 2024. All Rights Reserved.
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (the [AGPL-3] License), in which
# case the provisions of [AGPL-3] License are applicable instead of those above.
# If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of
# the [AGPL-3] License and not to allow others to use your version of this file
# under the CPAL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
# replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the [AGPL-3]
# License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
# version of this file under either the CPAL or the [AGPL-3] License.
## A LoadableResource is similar to a JS promise or a Future, except that you can
## store it to load it any number of times, and instead of providing an object,
## you get a pointer, a length, and a function to tell it you're done with it.
## You cannot have more than one callback, but you can obtain the results of many
## with `loadAll` or get a callback when many are done with `allDone`
## TODO IMPORTANT: probably not thread safe, call all functions in the same thread
## if you use loadAll and allDone
## TODO: investigate the use of signals instead of callbacks
type LoadableResourceStatus* = enum
type Result = tuple[ok: bool, err: string, p: pointer, len: int]
type LoadableResource* = ref object of RootObj
status: LoadableResourceStatus
start_func: proc(self: LoadableResource)
onload_func: proc(ok: bool, err: string, p: pointer, len: int)
done_func: proc()
cancel_func: proc()
str*: proc(): string
result: ref Result # only to be used with loadAll
proc newLoadableResource*[T: LoadableResource](
start: proc(self: LoadableResource),
done: proc() = nil,
str: proc(): string = nil,
): T =
result.start_func = start
result.done_func = done
result.str = str
if str == nil:
result.str = proc(): string = ""
proc start*[T: LoadableResource](self: T) =
self.status = Started
proc `onload=`*[T: LoadableResource](self: T, onload_func: proc(ok: bool, err: string, p: pointer, len: int)) =
self.onload_func = onload_func
proc onload*[T: LoadableResource](self: T, ok: bool, err: string, p: pointer, len: int) =
if self.status == Started:
self.status = if ok: Finished else: Error
if self.result != nil:
self.result[] = (ok, err, p, len)
if self.onload_func != nil:
self.onload_func(ok, err, p, len)
else: # cancelled
self.status = NotStarted
if self.done_func != nil:
# TODO: check if we can always use destructors instead of calling this
proc done*[T: LoadableResource](self: T) =
if self.status == Started:
self.status = NotStarted
if self.done_func != nil:
proc cancel*[T: LoadableResource](self: T) =
if self.status != Started:
if self.cancel_func != nil:
# self.`onload=`(proc(ok, err, p, len: auto) =
# self.done())
self.onload_func = proc(ok: bool, err: string, p: pointer, len: int) =
self.status = NotStarted
# proc allDone*(list: seq[LoadableResource], done: proc()) =
# proc loadAll*(list: seq[LoadableResource], onload: proc(all_ok: bool, result: seq[Result])) =
# for i,res in list:
# if not defined(release):
# assert res.status == NotStarted, "All resources in the list must be not started"
# assert res.onload_func == nil, "All resources in the list must not have onload"
# new(res.result)
# res.start()
# list.allDone, proc() =
# var results = newSeqOfCap[Result](list.len)
# for res in list:
# results.add res.result[]
# res.result = nil
type Fetch* = ref object of LoadableResource
custom: pointer
auto_done: bool
when not defined(onlyLocalFiles):
when defined(emscripten):
FetchAttribute = enum
LoadToMemory = 1
StreamData = 2
PersistFile = 4
Append = 8
Replace = 16
NoDownload = 32
Synchronous = 64
Waitable = 128
emscripten_fetch_attr_t {.importc,nodecl,header:"emscripten/fetch.h".} = object
requestMethod: array[32, char]
userData: pointer
onsuccess: proc(fetch: ptr emscripten_fetch_t) {.cdecl.}
onerror: proc(fetch: ptr emscripten_fetch_t) {.cdecl.}
onprogress: proc(fetch: ptr emscripten_fetch_t) {.cdecl.}
onreadystatechange: proc(fetch: ptr emscripten_fetch_t) {.cdecl.}
attributes: FetchAttribute # uint32
timeoutMSecs: uint32
withCredentials: bool # actually int32
destinationPath: cstring
userName: cstring
password: cstring
requestHeaders: ptr UncheckedArray[cstring]
overriddenMimeType: cstring
requestData: cstring
requestDataSize: uint
emscripten_fetch_t {.importc,nodecl.} = object
id: uint32
userData: pointer
url: cstring
data: pointer
numBytes: uint64
dataOffset: uint64
totalBytes: uint64
readyState: uint16
status: uint16
statusText: array[64, char]
EmscriptenResult = enum
TimedOut = -8
NoData = -7
Failed = -6
InvalidParam = -5
UnknownTarget = -4
InvalidTarget = -3
FailedNotDeferred = -2
NotSupported = -1
Success = 0
Deferred = 1
proc emscripten_fetch_attr_init(fetch_attr: var emscripten_fetch_attr_t) {.importc,nodecl.}
proc emscripten_fetch(fetch_attr: var emscripten_fetch_attr_t, url: cstring): ptr emscripten_fetch_t {.importc,nodecl.}
proc emscripten_fetch_wait(fetch: ptr emscripten_fetch_t, timeoutMSecs: float): EmscriptenResult {.importc,nodecl.}
proc emscripten_fetch_close(fetch: ptr emscripten_fetch_t): EmscriptenResult {.importc,nodecl.}
proc emscripten_fetch_get_response_headers_length(fetch: ptr emscripten_fetch_t): uint {.importc,nodecl.}
proc emscripten_fetch_get_response_headers(fetch: ptr emscripten_fetch_t, dst: cstring , dstSizeBytes: uint): uint {.importc,nodecl.}
proc emscripten_fetch_unpack_response_headers(headersString: cstring): ptr UncheckedArray[cstring] {.importc,nodecl.}
proc emscripten_fetch_free_unpacked_response_headers(unpackedHeaders: ptr UncheckedArray[cstring]) {.importc,nodecl.}
import std/httpclient
import std/memfiles
import std/strutils
import std/strformat
func escapeUTF8*(s: string): string =
result = newStringOfCap(s.len + 5)
for i,c in s:
if c > ' ' and c <= '~':
result &= c
result &= '%' & c.byte.toHex
proc loadUri*(
uri: string,
onload_func: proc(ok: bool, err: string, data: pointer, len: int) = nil,
range = (-1,-1),
auto_start = true,
auto_done = true,
): Fetch {.discardable.} =
echo "fetching ", uri
var start_func: proc(self: LoadableResource)
var done_func: proc()
var self: Fetch
var uri = uri
when not defined(onlyLocalFiles):
when defined(emscripten):
const is_remote = true
let is_remote = uri.startswith("http://") or uri.startswith("https://")
if is_remote:
uri = uri.escapeUTF8
when defined(emscripten):
start_func = proc(self: LoadableResource) =
var attr: emscripten_fetch_attr_t
attr.userData = cast[pointer](self)
attr.requestMethod.addr.copyMem("GET".cstring, 4)
attr.attributes = LoadToMemory
attr.onsuccess = proc(fetch: ptr emscripten_fetch_t) {.cdecl.} =
var self = cast[Fetch](fetch.userData)
self.custom = fetch.pointer
self.onload(true, "",,
if self.auto_done:
attr.onerror = proc(fetch: ptr emscripten_fetch_t) {.cdecl.} =
var self = cast[Fetch](fetch.userData)
let err_msg = $fetch.statusText.addr.cstring
let err = emscripten_fetch_close(fetch)
# self.onload(false, &"Error: {err_msg} ({EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_STRINGS[ + 8]})", nil, 0)
self.onload(false, &"Error fetching {fetch.url}: {err_msg}", nil, 0)
if self.auto_done:
discard emscripten_fetch(attr, uri.cstring)
done_func = proc() =
if self.custom != nil:
discard emscripten_fetch_close(cast[ptr emscripten_fetch_t](self.custom))
self.custom = nil
var client = newHttpClient()
var response: string
start_func = proc(self: LoadableResource) =
let self = cast[Fetch](self)
var ok = false
response = client.getContent(uri)
ok = true
self.onload(false, &"Error fetching {uri}: {getCurrentExceptionMsg()}", nil, 0)
if ok:
let p = response[0].addr
self.onload(true, "", p, response.len)
if self.auto_done:
done_func = proc() =
response = ""
if not is_remote:
start_func = proc(self: LoadableResource) =
var memfile =, mode=fmRead)
self.done_func = proc() =
self.onload(true, "", memfile.mem, memfile.size)
# TODO!!!! check whether these objects are freed
# and if we have to add a destructor, or what
except OSError:
self.onload(false, "Could not open file: " & uri, nil, 0)
if cast[Fetch](self).auto_done:
proc str(): string = uri
self = newLoadableResource[Fetch](start_func, done_func, str)
self.onload_func = onload_func
self.auto_done = auto_done
if auto_start:
return self