920 lines
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920 lines
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# The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution License
# Version 1.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://myou.dev/licenses/LICENSE-CPAL. The License is based on the Mozilla
# Public License Version 1.1 but Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover use
# of software over a computer network and provide for limited attribution for
# the Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be
# consistent with Exhibit B.
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
# the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is Myou Engine.
# the Original Developer is the Initial Developer.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the Myou Engine developers.
# All portions of the code written by the Myou Engine developers are Copyright
# (c) 2024. All Rights Reserved.
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (the [AGPL-3] License), in which
# case the provisions of [AGPL-3] License are applicable instead of those above.
# If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of
# the [AGPL-3] License and not to allow others to use your version of this file
# under the CPAL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
# replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the [AGPL-3]
# License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
# version of this file under either the CPAL or the [AGPL-3] License.
import std/tables
import std/options
import vmath except Quat
import json
import arr_ref
import ./platform/gl
import ./quat
import ../libs/loadable/loadable
import ./input
import loaders/blend_format
# All cyclic types have been temporarily moved here, until when it's not necessary
# attributes.nim
DataType* = enum
Byte = cGL_BYTE
Short = cGL_SHORT
Int = cGL_INT
Float = cGL_FLOAT
Attribute* = object
name*: string
count*: int16
dtype*: DataType
offset*: int16
location*: int16
AttributeList* = seq[Attribute]
# myou_engine.nim
MyouEngine* = ref object
scenes*: Table[string, Scene]
objects*: Table[string, GameObject]
mesh_datas*: Table[string, MeshData]
screen*: Screen
screens*: seq[Screen]
renderer*: RenderManager
tone_mapping_library*: string
tone_mapping_function*: string
use_glsl_tone_mapping*: bool
loaders_by_ext*: Table[string, seq[proc(e: MyouEngine): Loader]]
glsl_version*: string
cache_settings*: CacheSettings
all_framebuffers*: seq[Framebuffer] ## private
new_scenes*: Table[string, Scene] ## private
# gameobject.nim
ObjectType* = enum ## private
GameObject* = ref object of RootObj
# TODO: remove otype
otype*: ObjectType ## private
engine* {.cursor.}: MyouEngine ## private
debug*: bool ## private
position*: Vec3
rotation*: Quat
radius*: float
rotation_order*: RotationOrder
scale*: Vec3
dimensions*: Vec3
bound_box*: (Vec3, Vec3)
object_color*: Vec4
# alpha*: float
matrix_parent_inverse*: Mat4
scene* {.cursor.}: Scene
source_scene_name*: string
# data_dir*: string
# dupli_group*: unknown
visible*: bool
parent* {.cursor.}: GameObject
children*: seq[GameObject]
auto_update_matrix*: bool
world_matrix*: Mat4
bone_matrix_inverse*: Mat4
# probe_cube*: Probe
# probe_planar*: Probe
properties*: Table[string, JsonNode]
# animation_strips*: seq[AnimationStrip]
name*: string
original_name*: string
lod_objects*: seq[GameObject]
parent_bone_index*: int
# behaviours*: Table[string, Behaviour]
body*: Body
avg_poly_area*: float
avg_poly_length*: float
zindex*: float
# groups*: seq[string]
center*: Vec3
world_center*: Vec4
# pending_bodies*: seq[Body] # physics bodies that depend on this object
sqdist*: float ## private
flip*: bool ## private
sqscale*: float ## private
## Globally squared scale, to avoid rendering zero scale
object_render_ubo*: UBO ## private
object_ubo*: UBO ## private
# mesh.nim
VertexBufferAttribs* = object
vb*: GLuint
attribs*: AttributeList
VaoSpec* = object
vbs*: seq[VertexBufferAttribs]
ib*: GLuint
# most fields should be private
MeshData* = ref object
engine* {.cursor.}: MyouEngine
# TODO: seq of {.cursor.}s?
users*: seq[GameObject] ## private
hash*: string
varrays*: seq[ArrRef[float32]]
iarrays*: seq[ArrRef[uint16]]
loaded*: bool
vertex_buffers*: seq[GPUBuffer] ## private
vertex_starts*: seq[int32] ## private
index_buffers*: seq[GPUBuffer] ## private
num_indices*: seq[int32] ## private
vaos*: seq[GPUVao] ## private
vao_specs*: seq[VaoSpec] ## private
index_types*: seq[DataType] ## private
layout*: AttributeList ## private
stride*: int ## private
draw_method*: MeshDrawMethod
# phy_convex_hull: unknown
# phy_mesh: unknown
# buffer_load_promises: seq[unknown]
# load_promise: unknown
# load_resolve: unknown
use_tf*: bool ## private
tf_vbos*: seq[seq[GPUBuffer]] ## private
tf_vaos*: seq[GPUVao] ## private
tf_vao_specs*: seq[VaoSpec] ## private
tf_layout*: AttributeList ## private
when defined(myouUseRenderdoc):
name*: string
SortSign* = enum
BackToFront = -1
FrontToBack = 1
Mesh* = ref object of GameObject
data*: MeshData
materials*: seq[Material]
material_defines*: Table[string, string]
passes*: seq[int32]
armature*: Armature
culled_in_last_frame*: bool ## private
last_lod*: Table[string, Mesh] ## private
draw_method*: MeshDrawMethod
hash*: string
layout*: AttributeList
vertex_modifiers*: seq[VertexModifier]
mesh_id*: int8
bone_index_maps*: seq[Table[int32,int32]]
sort_sign*: SortSign
# related_textures*: seq[unknown]
shape_names*: seq[string]
mesh_name*: string
skip_upload*: bool
generate_tangents*: bool
# TODO: this is temporary
# because we can get this info from the own mesh array
last_polyline_point*, last_polyline_left*: Vec3
MeshDrawMethod* = enum
Points = GL_POINTS
Lines = GL_LINES
Triangles = GL_TRIANGLES
CommonMeshAttribute* = enum
vertex, color, normal, uv
CommonMeshAttributes* = set[CommonMeshAttribute]
# camera.nim
CameraType* = enum
Perspective, Orthographic
SensorFit* = enum
Auto, Horizontal, Vertical, Cover, Contain
Camera* = ref object of GameObject
near_plane*: float32
far_plane*: float32
field_of_view*: float32
ortho_scale*: float32
aspect_ratio*: float32
target_aspect_ratio*: float32
cam_type*: CameraType
sensor_fit*: SensorFit
shift*: Vec2
fov_4*: Option[tuple[top,right,bottom,left: float32]]
projection_matrix*: Mat4
projection_matrix_inverse*: Mat4
world_to_screen_matrix*: Mat4
cull_planes*: array[6, Vec4]
# camera_render_ubo*: UBO
# light.nim
LightType* = enum
Light* = ref object of GameObject
light_type*: LightType
shadows*: seq[ShadowManager]
use_shadow*: bool
color*: Vec3
energy*: float32
diffuse_factor*: float32
specular_factor*: float32
spot_size*: float32
spot_blend*: float32
# view_pos*: Vec3
# dir*: Vec3
# depth_matrix*: Mat4
# cam2depth*: Mat4
# projection_matrix*: Mat4
light_radius*: float32
area_size*: Vec3
cutoff_distance*: float32
# shadows
ShadowManager* = ref object of RootObj
engine* {.cursor.}: MyouEngine
light* {.cursor.}: Light
required_texture_count*: int32
uses_color_channels*: int8
uses_depth*: bool
shadow_index*: int32
sampler_type*: string
material*: Material
auto_render*: bool
min_light_angle_delta*: float32
last_light_dir*: Vec3
SimpleShadowManager* = ref object of ShadowManager
depth_range*: (float32, float32)
caster_bounding_points*: seq[Vec3]
use_camera*: bool
# NOTE: layout must match struct ShadowMapInfo in scene.nim
ShadowMapUniform* = object
depth_matrix*: Mat4
tex_size*: float32
bias*: float32
pad0, pad1: float32
# scene.nim
# NOTE: layout must match struct PointLight in scene.nim
PointLightUniform* = object
position*: Vec3
radius_squared*: float32
color*: Vec3
padding0: float32
diffuse_power*: float32
specular_power*: float32
padding1: float32
inv_squared_cutoff*: float32
# NOTE: layout must match struct SunLight in scene.nim
SunLightUniform* = object
direction*: Vec3
padding0: float32
color*: Vec3
shadow_index*: float32
diffuse_power*: float32
specular_power*: float32
padding1: float32
padding2: float32
Scene* = ref object
engine* {.cursor.}: MyouEngine
name*: string
enabled*: bool
children*: seq[GameObject]
auto_updated_children*: seq[GameObject]
mesh_passes*: seq[seq[Mesh]]
bg_pass*: seq[Mesh]
fg_pass*: seq[Mesh]
lights*: seq[Light]
armatures*: seq[Armature]
objects*: Table[string, GameObject]
parents*: Table[string, GameObject]
materials*: Table[string, Material]
textures*: Table[string, Texture]
lighting_UBOs*: seq[UBO]
point_light_UBO*: UBO
sun_light_UBO*: UBO
# spot_light_UBO*: UBO
# area_light_UBO*: UBO
shadow_maps_UBO*: UBO
cubemap_UBO*: UBO
sh9_UBO*: UBO
active_camera*: Camera
physics_enabled*: bool
world*: World
# render options
background_color*: Vec4
shadow_map_resolution*: int32
cubemap_resolution*: int32
max_point_lights*: int32
max_sun_lights*: int32
max_spot_lights*: int32
max_area_lights*: int32
max_shadow_maps*: int32
max_cubemaps*: int32
max_spherical_harmonics*: int32
shadow_maps*: Framebuffer
world_material*: Material
background_cubemap*: Framebuffer
cubemaps*: seq[Framebuffer]
cubemap_probes*: seq[CubemapProbe]
planar_probes*: seq[PlanarProbe]
children_are_ordered*: bool ## private
last_shadow_render_tick*: int ## private
last_update_matrices_tick*: int ## private
pre_draw_callbacks*: seq[proc(scene: Scene, s: float)]
post_physics_callbacks*: seq[proc(scene: Scene, s: float)]
post_draw_callbacks*: seq[proc(scene: Scene, s: float)]
frame_start*: int
frame_end*: int
anim_fps*: float
markers*: OrderedTable[string, float]
# extra_data*: unknown
data_dir*: string
texture_dir*: string
original_scene_name*: string
foreground_planes*: seq[tuple[material: Material, is_alpha: bool]]
debug_draw*: DebugDraw ## private
shader_library*: string
on_swap_eye*: proc(is_right_eye: bool)
background_probe_rendered*: bool ## private
add_viewport_automatically*: bool ## private
# render.nim
RenderCameraData* = object
cam2world*: Mat4
world2cam*: Mat4
projection_matrix*: Mat4
projection_matrix_inverse*: Mat4
cull_planes*: array[6, Vec4]
clipping_plane*: Vec4
viewport_size*, viewport_size_inv*: Vec2
RenderManager* = ref object
engine* {.cursor.}: MyouEngine
initialized*: bool
# temporary_framebuffers*: Table[int, ByteFramebuffer]
render_tick*: int
# options
use_frustum_culling*: bool
show_debug_frustum_culling*: bool
use_sort_faces*: bool
use_sort_faces_opaque*: bool
force_pot_buffers*: bool
# unbind_textures_on_draw_viewport*: bool
# unbind_textures_on_draw_mesh*: bool
use_debug_draw*: bool
max_buffer_size_upload*: int
use_draw_background_first*: bool
# detected parameters and builtins
max_texture_size*: int32
max_textures*: int32
max_uniform_block_size*: int32
max_uniform_buffer_bindings*: int32
# has_float_texture_support*: bool
# has_float_fb_support*: bool
bg_mesh*: Mesh # private
no_material*: Material
blank_texture*: Texture
# internal state (meant to be private)
front_face_is_cw*: bool ## private
cull_face_enabled*: bool ## private
# bound_textures*: seq[Texture]
# active_texture*: int32
# next_texture*: int32
bound_ubos*: seq[UBO] ## private
next_ubo*: int32 ## private
check_framebuffers*: bool
was_right_eye*: bool
num_views*: int8
# internal state, public?
indices_drawn*: int
meshes_drawn*: int
effect_ratio*: float
used_texture_memory*: int
camera_render_ubo*: UBO
queue*: seq[proc()]
# Uniforms that are common to all objects of the same view
# Must match layout in render.nim
CameraRenderUniform* = object
view_matrix*: Mat4
# TODO: add view_matrix_inverse3 which is much more used than mat4
# and measure performance or compiled shader ops
# (maybe just add a separate translation vec4)
view_matrix_inverse*: Mat4
projection_matrix*: Mat4
projection_matrix_inverse*: Mat4
cull_plane*: Vec4
viewport_size*, viewport_size_inv*: Vec2
# roughness_bias*: float32
# fixed_z*: float32
# pad1, pad2: float32
# Uniforms that are unique for each object and view
# Must match layout in render.nim
ObjectRenderUniform* = object
# using an array of Vec4 instead of Mat3
# because of alignment
model_view_matrix*: Mat4
model_view_matrix_inverse*: Mat4
normal_matrix*: array[3, Vec4]
# Uniforms for each object that are independent from view
# Must match layout in render.nim
ObjectUniform* = object
model_matrix*: Mat4
model_matrix_inverse*: Mat4
mesh_center*: Vec3
pad0: float32
mesh_inv_dimensions*: Vec3
average_world_scale*: float32
color*: Vec4
# ubo.nim
UBO* = ref object
renderer* {.cursor.}: RenderManager
name*: string
size32*: int
byte_storage*: ArrRef[byte]
buffer*: GPUBuffer
binding_point*: int32
# needs_update*: bool
# material.nim
VaryingType* = enum
# TODO this should go by shader
Varying* = object
vtype*: VaryingType
varname*, attname*, gltype*: string
multiplier*: float32
EsPrecision* = enum
Material* = ref object
engine* {.cursor.}: MyouEngine
name*: string
textures*: OrderedTable[string, Texture]
ubos*: seq[UBO]
varyings*: seq[Varying]
vertex*: string
fragment*: string
double_sided*: bool
# has_normal* (unused)
fixed_z*: Option[float]
# TODO: have option to set as uniform
point_size*: Option[float]
animation_strips*: seq[AnimationStrip]
glsl_version*: string
es_precision*: EsPrecision
defines*: Table[string, string]
scene* {.cursor.}: Scene
shaders*: Table[AttributeList, Shader] ## private
users*: seq[GameObject] ## private
render_scene* {.cursor.}: Scene ## private
has_texture_list_checked*: bool ## private
shader_library*: string ## private
use_debug_shaders*: bool ## private
last_shader* {.cursor.}: Shader ## private
feedback_varyings*: seq[string]
# TODO: choose better names
Shader* = ref object
engine* {.cursor.}: MyouEngine # do we need this?
id*: int
program*: GPUProgram
material* {.cursor.}: Material # do we need this?
# TODO: combine in single seq?
ubos*: seq[UBO]
ubo_indices*: seq[GLuint]
camera_render_ubo_index*: GLuint
object_render_ubo_index*: GLuint
object_ubo_index*: GLuint
texture_locations*: seq[GLint]
shadowmap_location*: GLint
cubemap_locations*: seq[GLint]
when not defined(release):
vs_code*, fs_code*: string
# texture.nim
TextureType* = enum
TextureFormat* = enum
# TODO: signed normalized formats
# TODO: uncommon formats
# Depth_u24_s8
TextureExtrapolation* = enum
TextureFilter* = enum
Nearest ## Without mipmaps
Linear ## Without mipmaps
Pixellated ## Mip mapped version of Nearest
TextureStorage* = ref object ## private
unit*: GLint
target*: GLenum
tex*: GPUTexture
iformat*: GLenum
format*, gltype*: GLenum
# index of the first layer (or only layer if not using tiles)
layer*: float32
# when tile size is not 1, each tile will be in a contiguous layer
tile_size*: Vec2
Texture* = ref object of RootObj
engine* {.cursor.}: MyouEngine
name*: string
storage*: TextureStorage ## private
loaded*: bool
last_used_shader* {.cursor.}: Shader ## private
sampler_object*: GLuint ## private
width*, height*, depth*: int
tex_type*: TextureType
format*: TextureFormat
filter*: TextureFilter
is_framebuffer_active*: bool ## private
is_sRGB*: bool
is_compressed*: bool
mipmap_range*: (int, int)
# framebuffer.nim
FramebufferDepthType* = enum
Framebuffer* = ref object of RootObj
engine* {.cursor.}: MyouEngine
width*, height*, layer_count*: int
format*: TextureFormat
depth_type*: FramebufferDepthType
texture*, depth_texture*: Texture
is_complete*: bool
has_mipmap*: bool
current_width*, current_height*: int
current_mipmap_level*: int
use_sRGB*: bool
# API objects
framebuffer*, render_buffer*: GLuint
TexturePixels* = object
pixels*: ArrRef[float32]
width*, height*: int
format*: TextureFormat
tex_type*: TextureType
# effect_shaders.nim
# should have same layout as EffectShaderInput
# in effect_shaders.nim
EffectShaderInput* = object
# resolution for the current mip level
size*: Vec3
# absolute lod at which resolution is 1x1x1
px_lod*: float32
# size of a pixel (inverse of the size)
px_size*: Vec3
# current mip level being rendered (only non zero when generating mipmaps)
# (this has nothing to do with the input, we're just using the spare UBO space)
lod*: float32
# cubemap_probe.nim
ProbeUpdateStrategy* = enum
ProbeInfluenceType* = enum
ProbeParallaxType* = enum
NoParallax = -1
CubemapProbe* = ref object of GameObject
cubemap*: Framebuffer
ubo_index*: int32
resolution*: int32
influence_type*: ProbeInfluenceType
parallax_type*: ProbeParallaxType
influence_distance*: float32
parallax_distance*: float32
falloff*: float32
intensity*: float32
clipping_start*: float32
clipping_end*: float32
update_strategy*: ProbeUpdateStrategy
used*: bool
# NOTE: layout must match struct CubemapInfo in scene.nim
CubemapProbeUniform* = object
world2cube*: Mat4
resolution*: float32
falloff_inv*: float32
influence_type*: float32
parallax_type*: float32
par_dist_rel_inv*: float32
intensity*: float32
roughness_lod*: float32
pad0: float32
# NOTE: layout must match SphericalHarmonics in scene.nim
SH9Uniform* = object
coefficients*: array[1, array[9, Vec4]]
transform*: Mat4
# planar_probe.nim
PlanarProbe* = ref object of GameObject
influence_distance*: float32
falloff*: float32
# loader_base.nim
Loader* = ref object of RootObj
engine* {.cursor.}: MyouEngine
shader_library*: string
shader_textures*: Table[string, Texture]
# on_destroy*: OnDestroy
path_handler*: proc(path: string): string
override_textures_sampler_type*: Table[string, string]
# texture_optimize.nim
EncodingSpeed* = enum
RgbBcFmt* = enum
BC1 = 1 ## 4 BPP (0.5 bytes per pixel), very small but low quality.
BC7 = 7 ## 8 BPP (1 byte per pixel), larger but very good quality.
BlockSize* = enum
Bs4x4 = 0x4_4 ## 8.00 BPP
Bs5x4 = 0x5_4 ## 6.40 BPP
Bs5x5 = 0x5_5 ## 5.12 BPP
Bs6x5 = 0x6_5 ## 4.27 BPP
Bs6x6 = 0x6_6 ## 3.56 BPP
Bs8x5 = 0x8_5 ## 3.20 BPP
Bs8x6 = 0x8_6 ## 2.67 BPP
Bs8x8 = 0x8_8 ## 2.00 BPP (below 10x6)
Bs10x5 = 0xA_5 ## 2.56 BPP
Bs10x6 = 0xA_6 ## 2.13 BPP
Bs10x8 = 0xA_8 ## 1.60 BPP
Bs10x10 = 0xA_A ## 1.28 BPP
Bs12x10 = 0xC_A ## 1.07 BPP
Bs12x12 = 0xC_C ## 0.89 BPP
# TODO: 3D block sizes
CacheSettings* = object
compress_textures*: bool ## Whether to compress textures on load
## when not loaded from cache cache
use_cache*: bool ## Whether to try to load from cache
save_cache*: bool ## Whether to save compressed textures
cache_dir*: string ## Cache directory
quality_speed*: EncodingSpeed ## Whether you need them fast or good
bc_format_for_RGB*: RgbBcFmt ## Which BCn to use for RGB images.
## BC7 is the best but BC1 is half the
## size and encodes very fast
astc_block_size*: BlockSize ## Defines quality and size of ASTC.
## 4x4 is the best but biggest,
## 6x6 is a good balance,
## 8x8 is bad but very small.
astc_block_1ch*: BlockSize ## Block size for 1 channel textures,
## since less data has to be encoded
astc_block_2ch*: BlockSize ## Block size for 2 channel textures
compress_all_formats*: bool ## Encode textures for all platforms
cache_dir_bc*: string ## Cache directory for writing bc
cache_dir_astc*: string ## Cache directory for writing astc
Armature* = ref object of GameObject
bone_list*: seq[Bone]
bones*: Table[string, Bone]
Bone = ref object
blength*: float
object_children*: seq[GameObject]
matrix*: Mat4
parent_object*: GameObject
World* = ref object of RootObj
enabled*: bool
DebugDraw* = ref object of RootObj
Body* = ref object
Screen* = ref object of RootObj
engine* {.cursor.}: MyouEngine
width*, height*: int32
orientation*: int8
viewports*: seq[Viewport]
enabled*: bool
framebuffer*: Framebuffer
window*: pointer ## private
pre_draw*, post_draw*: proc(self: Screen)
last_x*, last_y*: float ## private
last_buttons*, last_mods*: int8 ## private
key_callbacks*: seq[proc(event: KeyEvent)] ## private
char_callbacks*: seq[proc(codepoint: uint32)] ## private
mouse_move_callbacks*: seq[proc(event: MouseMoveEvent)] ## private
mouse_button_callbacks*: seq[proc(event: MouseButtonEvent)] ## private
mouse_wheel_callbacks*: seq[proc(event: MouseWheelEvent)] ## private
frame_interval*: int
is_touch*: bool # workaround for emscripten, see glfm_wrap
touches*: seq[(int32, Vec2)]
prev_touches*: seq[(int32, Vec2)]
resize_callbacks*: seq[proc(screen: Screen)] ## private
platform_event_callbacks*: seq[proc(screen: Screen, e: PlatformEvent)] ## private
break_current_callbacks*: bool ## private
PlatformEvent* = enum
Viewport* = ref object
camera*, debug_camera*: Camera
width*, height*: int
effects*: seq[int]
requires_float_buffers*: bool
is_right_eye*: bool
clear_color*: bool
clear_depth*: bool
rect*: (float32,float32,float32,float32)
rect_pix*: (int32,int32,int32,int32)
VertexModifier* = object of RootObj
get_code*: proc(v: seq[Varying]): (seq[string], seq[string], seq[string], seq[string])
prepare_mesh*: proc(m: Mesh)
AnimationStrip* = object
type BlendLoader* = ref object of Loader
blend_file_path*: string ## private
blend_file*: BlendFile ## private
use_indices*: bool ## private
cached_materials*: Table[(FNode, string, bool),
(string, seq[Varying], OrderedTable[string, string], OrderedTable[string, TexturePixels])] ## private
resource*: LoadableResource
template enqueue*(renderer: RenderManager, fun: untyped) =
## Run a proc after the renderer has been initialized.
## If it was already initialized, it runs it immediately.
let f = fun
if renderer.initialized:
renderer.queue.add f
when not defined(release):
from sugar import dump
export sugar.dump