from std/bitops import countLeadingZeroBits type Float16* = distinct uint16 template `-%`(x, y: uint16): uint16 = cast[uint16](cast[int16](x) -% cast[int16](y)) type Denormals* = enum Ignore SetZero Calculate proc toFloat16*[T](n: T, denormals: static[Denormals] = Ignore, clamp: static[bool] = false): Float16 = when clamp: var fltInt32 = cast[uint32](clamp(n.float32, -65504.0, 65504.0)) else: var fltInt32 = cast[uint32](n.float32) var fltInt16 = cast[uint16]((fltInt32 shr 31) shl 5) var tmp: uint16 = cast[uint16](fltInt32 shr 23) and 0xff when denormals == Calculate: let shift = 113'u16 -% min(tmp, 113) let implicit = (shift != 0).uint16 shl 10 else: const shift = 0'u16 const implicit = 0'u16 tmp = (tmp -% 0x70) and cast[uint16](cast[uint32]((0x70'i32 -% cast[int32](tmp)) shr 4) shr 27) fltInt16 = (fltInt16 or tmp) shl 10 var r = fltInt16 or (((fltInt32 shr 13) and 0x3ff or implicit) shr shift) when denormals == SetZero: if (r and 0x7C00) == 0: r = r and 0x8000 return cast[Float16](r) proc toFloat32*(n: Float16, denormals: static[Denormals] = Ignore): float32 = var u = (cast[uint16](n).uint32 and 0x7fff'u32) shl 13 if u != 0: if u < 0x00800000: when denormals == Calculate: let c = cast[uint16](countLeadingZeroBits(u)) -% 8 u = (u shl c) and 0x007FFFFF u = u or cast[uint32]((1'i32 -% cast[int32](c)) shl 23) elif denormals == SetZero: u = 0 u = u + 0x38000000'u32 if u >= ((127 + 16).uint32 shl 23): u = u or (255'u32 shl 23) u = u or (cast[uint16](n).uint32 and 0x8000'u32) shl 16 return cast[float32](u) template toFloat64*(n: Float16, denormals: static[Denormals] = Ignore): float64 = n.toFloat32(denormals).float64 template toFloat*(n: Float16, denormals: static[Denormals] = Ignore): float = n.toFloat32(denormals).float template `$`*(n: Float16): string = $(n.tofloat32) # from std/strutils import tohex # template `tohex`*(n: Float16): string = n.uint16.tohex # proc debug_f32(n: uint32): string = # let s = # return s[0] & " " & s[1 ..< 9] & " " & s[9 ..< 32]