Create quickhull.nim with quickhull and quickhull_points functions.

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Alberto Torres 2024-09-10 01:04:17 +02:00
parent 7b54183f31
commit b60c837c47

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
import vmath
import std/random
import std/sets
import std/sequtils
type Face* = object
points*: array[3, Vec3]
plane*: Vec4
func plane_from_norm_point(normal, point: Vec3): Vec4 =
let n = normal.normalize
let p = point
vec4(n.x, n.y, n.z, -(n.x*p.x+n.y*p.y+n.z*p.z))
func face_from_triangle(a,b,c: Vec3): Face =
let n = cross(b-a, c-a)
Face(points: [a,b,c], plane: plane_from_norm_point(n, a))
template distance_to_plane(point: Vec3, plane: Vec4): float32 =
dot(plane, vec4(point, 1.0))
proc add_point_to_hull(point: Vec3, hull: var seq[Face]) =
var horizon_edges: seq[(Vec3, Vec3)] = @[]
var new_faces: seq[Face] = @[]
for face in hull:
if distance_to_plane(point, face.plane) > 0:
# Store the edges of the horizon
for i in 0 .. 2:
let edge = (face.points[i], face.points[(i+1) mod 3])
let other = (edge[1], edge[0])
let other_pos = horizon_edges.find other
if other_pos >= 0:
horizon_edges.del other_pos
horizon_edges.add edge
new_faces.add face
for (a, b) in horizon_edges:
new_faces.add face_from_triangle(a, b, point)
hull = new_faces
proc quickhull*(points: seq[Vec3]): seq[Face] =
if points.len <= 4:
var hull: seq[Face]
var points = points
let p0 = points[0]
let p1 = points[1]
let p2 = points[2]
let p3 = points[3]
let f = face_from_triangle(p0, p1, p2)
# Ensure all faces point outwards
if distance_to_plane(p3, f.plane) < 0:
hull.add f
hull.add face_from_triangle(p0, p2, p3)
hull.add face_from_triangle(p1, p3, p2)
hull.add face_from_triangle(p0, p3, p1)
hull.add face_from_triangle(p0, p2, p1)
hull.add face_from_triangle(p0, p3, p2)
hull.add face_from_triangle(p1, p2, p3)
hull.add face_from_triangle(p0, p1, p3)
for i,point in points:
if i<4: continue
add_point_to_hull(point, hull)
return hull
proc quickhull_points*(points: seq[Vec3]): seq[Vec3] =
let hull = quickhull(points)
if hull.len == 0:
return points
var s: HashSet[Vec3]
for f in hull:
for v in f.points:
s.incl v
return s.toSeq