# TODO: port this to nimscript # Build for ios like this: # nim c -c --os:ios --cpu:arm64 src/main.nim # then run this script to copy the missing files # and then remove and add the folder again in xcode # If there are old files that are no longer used # you have to delete the cache first: # rm tmp/ios/* -rf # then build and follow the above instructions OUT_NAME=game cd tmp/ios DIR="$(pwd)" # copy header files (cat "$OUT_NAME.json" | grep -- -I/| grep -o -- '-I/[^ ]*' | grep -v '^-I/$' | sed 's@^..@@' | sort | uniq | xargs -d'\n' -I {} find {} -iname "*.h" | xargs -d'\n' -I {} cp "{}" . ) # copy c files outside cache echo ignore any error below saying "*.h" does not exist (cat "$OUT_NAME.json" | grep '\.\(c\|cpp\|m\)",' | grep -v "\"$DIR" | sed -e 's/",$//' -e 's/^\s*"//' -e 's/\\"/"/g' | xargs -d'\n' -I {} sh -c 'cp "{}" "$(dirname {})/"*.h .' )